All school personnel share the responsibility for the care, safety, and protection of children, including the identification and timely response to concerns regarding potential maltreatment—whether physical, emotional, or neglect. We believe that children cannot thrive academically or socially unless their physical and mental well-being is secure. All staff are dedicated to building positive relationships to foster this environment both inside and outside the classroom.

ACS Doha endorses the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, of which our host country, Qatar, is a signatory. We believe that schools fill a special institutional role in society as protectors of children. We see it as our shared responsibility as a community to ensure that all children in our care are afforded a safe and secure environment in which to grow and develop.

ACS takes all allegations or signs of abuse or neglect seriously and follows appropriate procedures to address them. We believe that all adults are responsible to watch over for the wellbeing and safety of all students. All adults should be vigilant and ready to take action, keeping in mind that children and teenagers exhibit a myriad of signs that are not always clear. All ACS staff are trained to identify and respond to possible signs of abuse. We have clear policy that states that all adults working at ACS must be appropriately screened prior to employment and trained in child protection. Additionally, all ACS staff are mandatory reporters. This means that they must report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect, whenever there is reasonable cause. If there is significant evidence, the child protection response team will act following safety and intervention protocols. This policy is also designed to ensure the appropriate confidentiality requirements.

ACS Doha has a designated Safeguarding Lead and trained safeguarding personnel who monitor the school’s compliance with international school child protection standards and practices. They work with the school and its personnel to ensure that ACS Doha is informed by the established guidelines of the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

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