A broad range of experiences to enjoy and opportunities to flourish.

Students at ACS Doha are supported to develop as rounded individuals through a variety of valuable experiences outside of timetabled academic study.

This includes a comprehensive menu of co-curricular activities as well as after-school clubs, specialist sport and language programs, and the enrichment activities available via Artemex Academies.

After-school sports clubs include:

  • Volleyball
  • Football (soccer)
  • Basketball
  • Swimming
  • Cross-country
  • Track and field
  • Tennis
  • Badminton

Find out more about our co-curricular activities, Artemex Academies, our Athletics and Activity Program, and our Italian Program via the links below.

A community of like-minded learners

Every student at ACS Doha will follow their own pathway, but they are all connected by a common culture and the same collective mindset. In a rapidly changing world, this ensures they are all equipped to become effective learners, confident individuals, and caring contributors to the world. Everyone at ACS Doha will work towards these shared outcomes − known as Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRs) − to build the knowledge, understanding, skills and perspectives they need as internationally minded, thoughtful and proactive members of society:
How To Apply