A Premium Entrance Qualification

The IB Diploma Programme is an academically challenging programme of education, with final examinations, that prepares students aged 16 to 19 for success at university and in life beyond. It addresses students’ intellectual, social, emotional and physical well-being. The programme has gained recognition and respect from the world’s leading universities.

IB Diploma students gain competitive offers for further study from prestigious universities around the world.  Higher education institutions in more than 90 countries admit students based on their IB credentials, and many US public and private colleges and universities offer credit or accelerated courses of study for successful DP examination results.  A growing body of evidence documents higher rates of college-going, the wide range of institutions to which IB students gain admission, their preparedness for university-level study, and their successful adjustment to university life.

The IB Diploma Programme continues to set the global standard in High School education.

IB Diploma students take responsibility for their own learning. They develop skills across wide-ranging approaches to learning for critical and creative thinking, collaboration, independent research, self-management and communication.

The IB Diploma is ACS Doha’s most demanding and most frequently chosen academic programme. It requires commitment, academic resilience, good time management, and sustained determination to achieve challenging goals.

​IB Diploma Grades & Assessment

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

In the IB’s signature Theory of Knowledge course, students inquire into the nature of knowing and deepen their understanding of knowledge as a human construction.

Extended Essay

IB Diploma students also complete a major independent research project – an Extended Essay in which they conduct in-depth study of a question from one of their Diploma subjects they are studying.

Creativity, Action, Service (CAS)

CAS provides opportunities for self-determination, collaboration, individual growth and accomplishment, and personal enjoyment. It involves students in a range of activities alongside their academic studies that promote originality, healthy lifestyles, and responsible membership in local and global communities through reciprocal service.

These initiatives and activities are a key part of our student’s education, and include:

  • Local and global community outreach projects
  • Charity drives
  • Model United Nations
  • Sports
  • And many, many more.

IB Courses at ACS Doha

To earn an IB Diploma, students are required to study six subjects (at least three at Higher Level, and three at Standard Level)

HL = Higher Level
SL = Standard Level

Note: The school reserves the right to add or delete courses according to student demand and staff availability.

Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature A

English Language/Literature (SL/HL)
Spanish self-study course
French self-study course

Group 2: Language Acquisition B

French B / Ab Initio (SL/HL)
Spanish B / Ab Initio (SL/HL)
Arabic B /Ab Initio (SL/HL)
Italian ab Initio

Group 3: Individuals and Societies

Economics (SL/HL)
History (SL/HL)
Psychology (SL/HL)
Business and Management (SL/HL)

Group 4: Experimental Sciences

Biology (SL/HL)
Physics (SL/HL)
Chemistry (SL/HL)

Group 5: Maths & Computer Science

Mathematics Applications and Interpretations (SL)
Mathematics Analysis and approaches (SL/HL)

Group 6: The Arts / Electives

Visual Art (SL/HL)

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