
Salman Ahmad

Salman Ahmad has been working at ACS Doha as a Coordinator for Digital Teaching & Learning since 2018, with over 20 years of experience leading edTech in K to 12 schools domestically and internationally. He has a masters in computer sciences from Pakistan with a major in software engineering and MA in education from the UK with a specialisation in technology and learning designs.

At ACS Doha, Salman play a key role in developing edTech strategy to ensure students and teachers are equipped and trained to use the state of the art technology tools & applications. As a member of the leadership team, he works closely with colleagues to develop a positive culture to help everyone think beyond their possibilities.

No doubt, technology plays a crucial role in all aspects of our life, especially in K-12 education, from engaging students in the classrooms to connecting teachers across divisions, from streamlining administrative tasks to conducting assessments for learning and most importantly as an efficient way to communicate with the community. With that in mind, his focus is always on developing modern classrooms, efficient and robust IT information systems and edTech toolkit to enhance teaching and learning practices and to meet the needs of future generations.

Salman fully believes in innovation and creativity in teaching & learning that is supported by technology to achieve optimal learning outcomes at ACS Doha International School.